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Search Results for "Senator to Barr: 'You lied...You should resign'"
Senator to Barr: 'You lied...You should resign'
Senator to Barr: 'You lied...You should resign'
William Barr Defiant As Senators Call for His Resignation for Lying to Congress in Senate Testimony
WATCH: Sen. Hirono tells Attorney General Barr he should resign
Sen. Hirono to Attorney General: "You knew you lied and now we know." (C-SPAN)
Senator Kirsten Gillibrand Calls For Attorney General William Barr To Resign | All In | MSNBC
Hawaii Senator Tells AG Barr He Should Resign (May 1, 2019)
Hawaii senator calls for Barr to resign
Pingree calls on Barr to resign
The Democrats who have called for Barr to resign, so far
Sen. Cory Booker: Trump AG Barr Has Lost Credibility, Must Resign | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC
Former DOJ officials call on Barr to resign